Saturday, October 7, 2017

Who Tells Your Story? Sept 3-10

"Look Around, Look Around at how lucky you are to be alive right now!"

Im very grateful for these amazing ladies I get to live with! They uplift, strengthen, and help me daily!

Sometimes your housemate makes you a delicious Sunday dinner and you eat it on your cute back covered porch!

We hosted a giant game night Sunday night. We invited a handful of people and they all brought someone. Our house was packed!! I didn't even know half of them. And these pictures were taken before like 10 more people showed up!

Love them!

My kids found this caterpillar at work and named him Joey. I quickly sent a text to my co counselor to tell him the good news!

Sometimes you sit on the couch and try to get some homework done... yeah. This is our thoughts on that.

Sometimes you have days where everything just frustrates you. Im so grateful for friends that are very quick to come give you hugs!

I was talking to Jessica who is going to school in Florida and I convinced her to come stay with me because all of her classes were canceled for the hurricane. I wanted her to be safe and I really wanted her to come visit me..even if I was leaving for the weekend. But she did!! YAY!

Thursday night I quickly left work and drove to the airport! Look how pretty it was! It was insane!

Friday was delightful! We started off strong with some pastries! Always a good idea. Then we were walking down the street to find a yummy lunch and BAM! NANDOS! This is one of my favorite restaurants in England! 

I love Chicago!!

We went to the art museum which was amazing! Without fail I cry when I see Van Gogh paintings. I could just sit and stare at them for hours. Also they have my favorite Hopper painting! I died. Also, we really enjoy this bunny.

Do you see a chicken or a ballet dancer? 

But really. I am in love.

Had to go on the boat tour! Im sorry for the lack of selfies taken on the boat tour. The couple in front of us took enough to last 5 lifetimes though.
Our friend didn't want to miss out!

Mr. Rogers meeting Abe Lincoln

I got to intermission and realized I hadn't breathed. 
It was Incredible. Amazing. Spectacular. Brilliant. Inspiring. Funny. Tear Jerking.

Thank you Reid for the perfect trip! I was SO grateful to see Ryan and to see a show that inspires me. AH! So wonderful!

The trip home was a little crazy. My second flight they had us on the plane ready to go, then they kicked us all off for a maintenance thing and wouldn't tell us what was going on. Finally after almost two hours we were back on the plane! Then I had an hour drive to get home. 

I got home and had a crazy night! I went on a date and watched the end of the BYU-Utah football game. Sorry BYU... 

I loved coming home and having Jessica there! I never want her to leave!! I had a good Sunday morning and church and then had dinner with some friends. That night was the world wide devotional with Elder Bednar. That was great and then we went to Hymns on a Hill and then had a jam session at Colby's house. This is a frequent Sunday event :) 

I don't know what the plan is or whats in store! But life is crazy!

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