Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Perspective Oct 24-30

This is my happy face when I go to work.

Don't get me wrong. Somedays at work are incredibly hard. But I am so grateful for the experience and lessons the children teach me everyday.

For FHE we played Sorry. Now if you know me, I am very competitive when it comes to Sorry. If I don't win, I get a little upset. Nothing big. Just lots of kicking and screaming. 
It was crazy to me that some of the people I was with had never played this glorious game!

For my scripture study I have been using the Institute manual. Its amazing!! I was in Mosiah 4-8 and it talked a lot about how we are nothing without the Lord. We need to always remember the Atonement and that "The key to our greatness is to remember our nothingness without Christ and His Atonement." 

Sometimes all you need is a giant T-Rex to walk around campus.

One of my favorite things about Virginia are the Cardinals! There is one at work that is fascinated by car mirrors. It flies up and down and up and down. 

I love the fall. 

Yes. I really am posting more pictures of the sun and beautiful VA.
Seriously. Every night is beautiful. 

I think sometimes you just have to escape. And when you escape you need to do something crazy and fun. So I called up Catherine and Alex and we grabbed my camera and went on an adventure.


We mastered placing the camera on the car and using the timer to capture pictures of all three of us. 

This adventure was all on the parkway. I adore the parkway. There is something about looking out at the view that honestly does add perspective. It takes you out of your head for a minute.

I love these girls!

Something that has been a constant discussion with my friends as we drive to work is discouragement. Life never happens the way you plan. Things happen and sometimes they are really sad and kind of upsetting. Its part of life though. Its part of the test. But a quote form the Institute Manuel reminded me that "Discouragement is part of that test. Do not give up. That brilliant morning will come." 
We just have to stop. We need to pause and reflect. 

"Because when you stop and look around. life is pretty amazing."

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