Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Happy Broken Pieces Oct 31-Nov 6

No matter what I seem to do, Halloween still manages to come. Every year. Its like clock work! ;) 

But I discovered the key to surviving and maybe even liking Halloween...
Work with 1-3 year olds. 
I had a Dory, Dinosaur, Supergirl, Superhero's, and more. 
They were adorable.

Our ward had a Halloween carnival. I sat at the craft table and made things out of pipe cleaners. I was completely satisfied. If you haven't discovered the joy of pipe cleaners, you'd better drop everything and find yourself some pipe cleaners. 

Seeing SVU in the fall at sunset should be on everyone's Bucket list. 

I got a letter from Kadee!!! AHHH! It made me so happy and tears were definitely shed. I just feel so blessed all the time to know her and call her one of my best friends. She is one killer missionary!

Not as bright as last year, but always beautiful.

I think I have this picture from every year. I just love seeing SO many leaves!

We always have great conversations on our way to work. Its so fun working with my friends everyday! And sometimes the simple things are the things that make our day. One of those was this dog. 

Friday I went to the Institute Talent Show. I just love people. Some of the couple missionaries were telling dumb jokes and those are my favorite! It was great.

I then found myself at Alex's house, venting about life eating Oreo's and milk. Which then led us to coming to my room and starting to watch The Crown. 
It was delightful.

Remember last post when I was talking about escaping?
I went a little farther than the parkway this time, and Kaylee and I went to Roanoke. We decided we wanted to go Shopping because I got an extra discount at Old Navy. It was so much fun! We went to the mall and than ate at Olive Garden. I got a flatbread (pictured below) and I highly recommend it. It was amazing!

Something that I have been thinking a lot about is feeling broken. 

Things happen sometimes that leave us feeling broken. It can be little cracks or tons of pieces. This is part of life. Those cracks are how the light gets in. Its how we learn to use the Atonement. Without those cracks we wouldn't be able to return to our Heavenly Father. 

"What will it matter, dear sisters, what we suffered here if, in the end, those trials are the very things which qualify us for eternal life and exaltation in the kingdom of God with our Father and Savior?"
-Linda S. Reeves

Embrace those cracks. Embrace the pieces. Its a chance to find yourself again and more importantly work on becoming who God wants and plans for you to be. 

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