Monday there was a killer bee in my room! I was sitting trying to do homework when the buzzing noise started to happen! I pulled up the blinds and there was a bee. It was hurt a little bit so it would fly up and fall. I sat and held it open (because it doesn't do it by itself) and waited for it to fall far enough down that it would fly out! It took forever! Finally it left.
We also had FHE. I love Family Home Evening! We combined with another family and played a charades type game. Needless to say we crushed the other family.. by a lot! It was very fun. Then we had the best dessert ever! Already that day I had ice cream, and pie.. but I had to have this! It was basically whip cream and mint oreos. Life complete. It was delicious.
The rest of the week was basically a blur. One day there was a giant spider in my room. I came in and walked in the bathroom and on the rug there was a massive spider. I went and grabbed a plastic container and trapped it so my roommate could kill it later. Then Elizabeth comes in before we go down to dinner and she says "Oh I will kill it." So she grabs some toilet paper and tries. It escapes from her grasp and we can't get it! Finally we decided that I needed to go get the RA because I wasn't leaving my room without this spider dead. I got her and she came in a bit reluctantly. Then she smashed the spider with her shoe, looks at it and says "I'm going to go wash my shoe." It was pretty funny!
They fixed our window at one point! So now it locks, and it stays open by itself!
Friday I woke up and had a project to print out, and my computer would not turn on! It was terrifying! Thank you Dad for being awake so you could magically fix it via the phone at 6:30 your time! Ya! Friday night we went to a black light dance. Thats a dance where you wear neon and white so it shines under the black light. I felt like there weren't a ton of people there but that was because all the married people, and all the ones with dates of course wouldn't come. So there goes half the school! It was really fun though! Full of weird versions of songs, Anna losing her glasses, and hiding from creepy people. It was really fun!
Saturday I worked for most of the day, then there was the General Women's Broadcast. If you missed it, go watch it! If you watched it, then go watch it again! It was amazing! One of the greatest moments was when the women conducting the meeting got up to say who the last speaker was. We were all sitting in the chapel and she announces that Dieter F. Uchtdorf will be speaking. All together everyone goes. "YES!" It was so funny! Everyone just died laughing. What can we say, we just love Uchtdorf! The whole meeting was really great though!
I have been really missing the temple this week. I knew coming out here that the nearest temple was three hours away, but I don't think I really comprehended it. I got my recommend renewed because it was about to expire and I am just dying to go! Luckily our school has a temple day in two weeks, but I don't know if I can wait that long! Then the broadcast was all focused on the temple and I just really need to go!!! One of my favorite things that was said in the broadcast was from Jean A Stevens. She said "Temples are an expression of Gods love." I really loved that and it just solidified in me the true blessing of the temple is! So all of you close to a temple, GO TO THE TEMPLE! :)
Also I got a calling when I went to go get my temple recommend. I am part of the Relief Society activities committee. So I will have to see what I am going to do with that! But I will say that my blessing to set me apart was awesome! What was said was super cool! It was given to me by the second counselor in the bishopric. Who also happens to live with his wife right across the hall from me, because they are The Lofts supervisors.
Its been a pretty good week! Lots of homework all the time!! But Its great! I have had two conversations this week with people just talking about how we love it here. It's such a special place and it couldn't be better! Hope you are all well! Love you!
Here are some pictures of the beautiful place I live!
We also had FHE. I love Family Home Evening! We combined with another family and played a charades type game. Needless to say we crushed the other family.. by a lot! It was very fun. Then we had the best dessert ever! Already that day I had ice cream, and pie.. but I had to have this! It was basically whip cream and mint oreos. Life complete. It was delicious.
The rest of the week was basically a blur. One day there was a giant spider in my room. I came in and walked in the bathroom and on the rug there was a massive spider. I went and grabbed a plastic container and trapped it so my roommate could kill it later. Then Elizabeth comes in before we go down to dinner and she says "Oh I will kill it." So she grabs some toilet paper and tries. It escapes from her grasp and we can't get it! Finally we decided that I needed to go get the RA because I wasn't leaving my room without this spider dead. I got her and she came in a bit reluctantly. Then she smashed the spider with her shoe, looks at it and says "I'm going to go wash my shoe." It was pretty funny!
They fixed our window at one point! So now it locks, and it stays open by itself!
Friday I woke up and had a project to print out, and my computer would not turn on! It was terrifying! Thank you Dad for being awake so you could magically fix it via the phone at 6:30 your time! Ya! Friday night we went to a black light dance. Thats a dance where you wear neon and white so it shines under the black light. I felt like there weren't a ton of people there but that was because all the married people, and all the ones with dates of course wouldn't come. So there goes half the school! It was really fun though! Full of weird versions of songs, Anna losing her glasses, and hiding from creepy people. It was really fun!
Saturday I worked for most of the day, then there was the General Women's Broadcast. If you missed it, go watch it! If you watched it, then go watch it again! It was amazing! One of the greatest moments was when the women conducting the meeting got up to say who the last speaker was. We were all sitting in the chapel and she announces that Dieter F. Uchtdorf will be speaking. All together everyone goes. "YES!" It was so funny! Everyone just died laughing. What can we say, we just love Uchtdorf! The whole meeting was really great though!
I have been really missing the temple this week. I knew coming out here that the nearest temple was three hours away, but I don't think I really comprehended it. I got my recommend renewed because it was about to expire and I am just dying to go! Luckily our school has a temple day in two weeks, but I don't know if I can wait that long! Then the broadcast was all focused on the temple and I just really need to go!!! One of my favorite things that was said in the broadcast was from Jean A Stevens. She said "Temples are an expression of Gods love." I really loved that and it just solidified in me the true blessing of the temple is! So all of you close to a temple, GO TO THE TEMPLE! :)
Also I got a calling when I went to go get my temple recommend. I am part of the Relief Society activities committee. So I will have to see what I am going to do with that! But I will say that my blessing to set me apart was awesome! What was said was super cool! It was given to me by the second counselor in the bishopric. Who also happens to live with his wife right across the hall from me, because they are The Lofts supervisors.
Its been a pretty good week! Lots of homework all the time!! But Its great! I have had two conversations this week with people just talking about how we love it here. It's such a special place and it couldn't be better! Hope you are all well! Love you!
Here are some pictures of the beautiful place I live!
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