Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Thoughts of a Traveler

The airport.

Airports are one of those places that always fascinate me.

There are thousands of people at almost every airport in the world, scurrying from gate to gate catching flights, missing connections, trying to get to new places or return to old ones. I look around and realize how many people there are in the world, and how few I actually know.

You have the guy working on his computer over at the front of the gate. The teenager sprawled on the floor asleep to the world. There is the energetic mid-twenties girl already on her third cup of coffee before 9AM. You have the couple about to leave on their honeymoon. The mother chasing her two year old down the hallways as she tries to make a break for it because this is the biggest place she's ever seen and all she wants to do is explore. 

I've always thought that you really need to stop and look at the people that are in your life. Think of the billions of people that have come before us, the billions that will come after us, and the millions that are on this earth right now. Everyone that is in your life is suppose to be there. 

So maybe all these people at the airport are suppose to teach me something!

All right... I don't think that is necessarily the truth. But I do think observing those around us really does teach you something. 

In theatre they say that observing others is one of the key things to do when preparing for a role. You look at the character and think of times you have encountered or watched someone similar to that character you will be playing. It makes it more believable. You have to learn to understand people and one of the best ways to do that is to observe them. 

Everyone has their own way of doing everything. The way they hold their phones, read their books, sit on the uncomfortable black airport seats that have no arm rests (really? Who thought that was a good idea?). 

So I guess as I sit here waiting for my first flight, I think about people. How amazing they are. How we are living, breathing, thinking beings. 

Even though we can't meet every person that is at the airport let alone the planet, we should work on being aware of those we do know. Observing them and being aware of them are completely two different things. 

Observing someone implies just watching. No conversation is really necessary. 
To be aware of someone means that you know them. You are able to help when they need it and are ready to do so. 

One of the lessons I learned last semester was that the only way to be truly aware of someone is through the spirit. That is something that I still find very very true. Heavenly Father has allowed me to be over some amazing girls as an RA. I want to serve them to the best of my ability and that comes through being aware of them. I love the quote below.

Im sitting here in Denver now and I had this epiphany. A lady sitting across from me is in a wheel chair and can't reach down very well. Her cane fell off her lap and I could see her start to reach down. I thought, "I need to grab that." The guy to the left of me and the lady to the right of me both got up and grabbed it. 

Why didn't I?

The thought was good, but thats all it was. A thought. 

If I just "think" of my girls not much can happen. If we just "think" of those around us that we can help, it won't do much good. We all have a responsibility to serve. Service is an action. Service is key. Reaching out and just genuinely being a good person is a service. 

There is another goal I want to add to my 2016 list. It is not enough to just think of something good to do. Start seeing others through Heavenly Father's eyes (and this will take prayer and help from him) and I believe the world will grow a whole lot brighter. 

See??? I did learn something from the people in the airport! 

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