Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Value of Time Alone

This week I found myself alone a lot.

This is quite unusual compared to last semester. 

I now have a huge room all to myself so I end up doing homework in the Lofts more and with a new schedule you sometimes don't see the people that distract you as often.

My first week went really well! I have so much homework it's insane. After the first day I thought, "So this is what College is actually like."

I am excited to dive into the symbolism of Dante, read the beautiful stories of Jane Austen, bang my head into the wall because of Macroeconomics, be creative in Intro to Business, yell at my computer as I keep attempting to learn Spanish, and sing my heart out in Choir.

So.... yes. I have a lot of work this semester. 

But don't worry, I still managed to have some fun this week. 

We discovered that my window it magical. I yell out what I want and it happens. I wanted a response back to a text so I said it out the window and BAM! It came! After this happened a few times I spent a good hour yelling for someone to throw rocks at my window. 
Alright. It was probably ten minutes and no knight in shinning armor came. But Kaylee and I sure had a laugh!

John John and I watched the movie Max. I was grateful for the homework break! The movie was not my favorite but I still thought it was cute.

We had our first snow flurries on Tuesday. It was crazy for about 30 seconds. 
But Sunday we did receive some snow that stuck for an hour.


What do you call a bagel that flies???

A Plain bagel. 


Thank you Brady Tuttle.

You can just say, "Plain Bagel" to me and I bust up laughing.

Friday there was an institute activity. We played some fun games and I kept getting teased for not being able to whistle. We also shared our best dance moves.

I spent my Friday night Coloring by myself. I quite enjoy coloring! And if I may say so myself, I think that it looks quite good.
Saturday was the day I spent pretty much all day in my room. I caught up on Downton, watched Once Upon a Time, colored, read Dante, read my business book, unloaded my things from Walmart, and kept watching Anne of Green Gables. Yes. I should have done more homework.

I do think there is value in spending time alone though. I offered to drive to Richmond with a friend but they said "I think I'll go by myself. I need me time."

I thought that sounded good. I decided to embrace that myself!

I have never been one to have a lot of friends. I know a whole lot of people and would consider a lot of them my friends. 

But I am someone who likes to have a few CLOSE friends. Best friends. All I need are one or two people that I can tell anything.  Just a few that know me inside and out. 

President Wilcox always says, "Relationships are what make the world go round." 

I am happy to say that I have those close and best friends. I am sure grateful for them and everything they have done for me. Sometimes this can be a problem though. I want to spend all day with them. 

So when I was alone on Saturday I desperately wanted to be with my friend. But ya know what? I actually quite enjoyed my day. 

I think the value in time alone comes in reconnecting with yourself. I always hear that it is important to take time to mediate and be alone everyday. We can get very caught up in everyone else's life, and classes, and work, and family, and responsibilities, and dogs, and cats, and so on and so on.

So stop.

How are you doing? 
What things do you like?
What are things you want to improve on?
How are those 2016 goals looking?

I would like to say that I was super inspired with my time by myself on Saturday... But I kind of just turned my brain off and watched the computer. But, with as busy as we get, I see the value in that too.

The spirit speaks to us in many ways. I get a lot of answers through other people, but I also think clearly when I am by myself. 

Relationships do make the world go round. Especially your relationship with Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. In the Second Lesson from the Howard W. Hunter book, some beautiful pictures are shared. 

This first one describes how Christ rescues us. When we struggle and feel like we are drowning (which can seem like everyday), Christ's hand is "stretched out still".

The next picture describes the relationship I want with Christ. I want to always be humble enough to come unto him. 

I love this gospel and the peace it brings. I can't describe my love for the Book of Mormon and how powerful even a verse a day can be. I love my friends and everything they have done for me. 

I value the moments I can be alone. Even if I am doing absolutely nothing. 

I am excited for the week ahead and I hope you are too!

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