Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Spring Semester Wrap Up

Yes I am writing this months after the semester has ended. But I couldn't not write up a summary of last spring.

I just sat and read through all my blog posts from this past semester and I just kept smiling :) 

How was spring semester?
It was wonderful. I LOVED spring semester 2017. I was busier than I have ever been, but I cannot believe the smiles, tender mercies, and people God sent me this semester. I felt my Saviors love and Atonement stronger than ever before. 

Comfort, Joy, Love
Three words for my semester.

Gods Timing
This is something I mention a lot on here. Its something I think and talk a lot about with other people. Our timing is very rarely God's timing. We have certain trials and sometimes the lessons we need to learn and the person we need to become means that the trial lasts a little longer than we would like. But they last the length we need them too!

Christ's Atonement
This goes hand in hand for me with God's timing.This semester I felt a trail physically lift off my shoulders while performing The Lamb of God. Christ suffered for me. He knew exactly how I have been feeling the last two years. Every tear and heartbreak he was there. Because of the Atonement and the Enabling Power I have been given strength. My burden isn't my burden anymore.

Others Need to Lift You
I love my friends at SVU. I love the opportunity to be friends with literally everyone and grow so much from so many different groups of people. I started to hang out more with one group of people the last few weeks of school. I realized that as I spent time with them I would laugh and laugh and just smile. They lifted me and were on the same plane as me. We helped each other equally. I sometimes find that with certain circumstances and personalities sometimes you have to be more of the 'mom' or adult. But I appreciated this group of friends and the way they lifted others and myself. And I think in order for that to happen we have to allow others to lift you.

God is aware of all his Children
I had so many people I needed to be aware of this semester whether it was friends, my Relief Society sisters, or my girls. But I found that when I was sometimes the busiest my presidency had stepped in and already accomplished something that I needed done, or someone else was sent to help the person in need. God always has a way to accomplish his work, and he will never let someone go without help. 

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