Saturday, December 10, 2016

Laughter is the best medicine Nov 28-Dec 4

I woke up and Monday and funny thing after funny thing kept happening. We were all half out of it from break and all trying to find the determination and motivation to get through the next few weeks. 

But funny random people are the best. They would tell me a story or just be funny. I really appreciated it!

Camille likes to Facetime me and help me in my procrastination efforts :)

Look how cute my girls are! Their whole room is decked out for Christmas and they spent last Sunday making these graham cracker houses!

Friday was our annual Christmas Forum! I made sure to get a picture with Genny and Alex because this was our 3rd Christmas singing together! Where has time gone? It went well, besides the fact that I was standing right in front of the speaker so I couldn't hear anything! Haha it was quite comical!

Hows your week going?

When I arrive at work the kids are just waking up from nap time. I saw this on Friday. Yes, a sleeping child was in there somewhere!

After work on Friday I went to the Theater activity at Professor Stoddard's house. Picture the most perfect holiday house complete with two actual log burning fireplaces and lots of goodies. And then we sang christmas carols while Professor Stoddard played the grand piano. Could it get anymore magical? 

Do you ever have those moments where one thing after another keeps getting more and more frustrating? That was my Friday night. I was texting my friend and they asked if I wanted to go do something Friday night. So off we went on an adventure consisting of hot chocolate, star gazing, spying on W&L parties and watching all the drunk kids, and Walmart. It was crazy! And a ton of fun! I'm very grateful for friends.

I slept in Saturday and then went to the Basketball game. It was SO close! We lost just barley.

We had an ugly Christmas sweater dance. I bought mine last year and I think its quite cute actually!

I was walking home and this deer just kept staring me down. It was so close to me!

Sunday was really good! I taught Relief Society and I decided to do things a little different. I had a silent lesson filled with quotes and videos and questions that everyone responded to. It was all about Mary the Mother of Jesus, someone who I have such a testimony of. There was a strong peace in the room. I think everyone needed the quiet and to feel the power of the spirit that was in the room as we pondered and studied and learned of Mary and Jesus Christ.

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