Friday, September 4, 2015

How to balance School, RA, and Life! Aug 24-30

Monday was the start of school! Oh my goodness. Classes are great but super crazy. Choir is the best though!!!!!! I will do a whole blog post where I go through every class. I had to drop one class and add another, but I am loving all my professors and classes. For FHE there was a slip in slide up at the double decker. I definitely just watched, but it was quite entertaining!

Tuesday was also good. I now don't have class till 9:30am and I only have two classes the whole day so that was nice! Tuesday night I held my first hall meeting! It went well. I absolutely love the girls in my hall. They are so energetic and they are some of the most friendlies people I have ever met!

Wednesday classes went well. I signed up for a Literature and Film class that only meets on Wednesdays from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Its going to be really interesting and fun, but its hard to have a class that late.  I walked back up after class. I talked to John John who was up at the lofts doing homework, and some of the RA's also had story time! I basically wasn't in my room the whole day! I felt bad for my girls.. :/ 

Thursday was crazy! At 7AM we had a fire drill..... :/ it was crazy and I am in charge of checking all the rooms! Because I was up I went on a run. That night was a lot of fun! A group called The Hunts came to perform for us. They are 7 siblings and they play a whole bunch of string instruments. THEY ARE AMAZING! They have a ton of cute love songs! I came home and automatically bought their CD. I haven't stopped listening since!
This was my crazy month. Anything in orange is RA things. 
 Here are the hunts!

Friday was a beautiful day! We had a wonderful forum to kick off school and all the teams and RAs were recognized which was fun. There was a institute carnival activity and there was a girls soccer scrimmage that I went to. Our team this year is awesome and its fun to know almost all the players! We won 4-1 and the people that I was standing next to were great. After the game there was a little welcome back stomp/dance activity outside which was cool. 

Saturday I slept in and it was wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was my one day off from no obligations. I hung out with my girls and just relaxed. That night we had our first football scrimmage. We had a great turn out and our team played hard. It was another gorgeous night and I love game in the evening because we get to watch the sunset every time! The moon also was amazing! One of my girls had gone to a Mexican place for dinner and I told her to bring me back some, which she totally did! So we left the game early because I couldn't handle knowing I had Mexican waiting for me!

Sundays are the bestest ever. Church went really well. John John taught Sunday School and for third hour the Bishop and his Wife spoke. They are pretty much two of my favorite people ever. For dinner Reva and Cody had all the RA's over. They made us mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, and chicken that tasted like it was from chick-fi-la. It was amazing. I want more. Oh and there was chocolate cake! That night we went to Hymns on a Hill and There were sooo many people! Usually we all stand in a circle on the steps of main hall. This time we had to spread out down way in front of main hall. It was awesome! We have a really great student body this year. They have come and shown support at all the scrimmages and they come to on campus activities!

OH! And on Sunday I got a calling! I am FHE coordinator. I had a feeling this calling was coming. So I am over the four family group leaders and I get to make sure everyone is doing their job! I am excited because I really do love FHE!

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