Monday, December 14, 2015

Trials Faced and Lessons Learned.

This semester has been the hardest couple months ever. I can't really explain to you why that is, but its been that way for everyone here. I have had many conversations with different people about how hard this semester has been, and none of us can quite figure out why. But I can tell you that I did learn a lot of lessons! I learned that I love drinking from a straw. I don't know what it is about it but I love it! I also discovered that the smell of laundry and clean clothes is one of my favorite things!

Along with those silly things, I learned a lot of big things.

1. Being aware of people is central. But the way to be aware of them is through the spirit. That is the only true way you will ever know how to help someone.

2. Trust does not come easily. It shouldn't either. But once you are friends with people that you can truly trust, you are affected for the better.

3. When you get mad at people, usually it's because your expectations for them are not met. You can't have expectations for people when you know they can't meet them. It's not fair for them or for you.

4. I had a hard heart towards missionary work. Not in the sense that I think people who go on missions are crazy or that actual missions are bad, they are ESSENTIAL in continuing the growth of our church. But I wasn't fully convinced of member missionary work.. until this semester. A situation happened that has become a missionary teaching experience for me, and I am super excited about it!

5. Pray! Pray! Pray! I have prayed more this semester than I have in my entire life. I received strong personal revelation this semester and that came from a constant stream of communication between me and Heavenly Father. I would be lost without his guidance and the comfort that prayer brings.

6. "Patience bring joy"-Jared Attridge. When we are patient we are showing Heavenly Father that we are submitting to his will. Doing that brings blessings, which brings joy.

7. I have a testimony of trials for myself. I know that as I struggle I grow and that trials are a part of life. I realized that I don't have a testimony of other people having trials. I realized that I didn't understand why others had to struggle. But just like I need trials to grow, others need them to. I can't help them like I want to, but I can support them! And thats what I need to do. I realized that this semester I care so much for other people that I sometimes forgot myself. And thats something that I need to work on. I am important too.

8."Its not a pattern of the Lord to give reasons."- Dallin H. Oaks  We don't need to know why. Its not in the Lord's pattern to always tell us the why, but he does have a pattern of testing our trust in him. Trust is the key and I am still working on that every day. 

9. Our hearts have the ability to love a lot, and they can hold a lot of love for a lot of people. 

10. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love this gospel. It brings me true joy and comfort and peace. It is the one thing that is always constant in my life and that will never change. I am beyond grateful for my Savior who atoned for my sins so that I can be with my Heavenly Parents again. I am grateful for the priesthood and leaders who serve in the church everyday. I am grateful for ward families and caring people who work to uplift one another. God is a God of miracles and he works in mysterious ways. He has a hand in everything. I am so grateful that I am a member of this church! 

Last Week of Fall Semester! Dec 7-12

We made it! Oh the journey!!

Monday I worked a double shift in the dinning hall. For one of my shifts Brady was trying to find something on Amazon for his wife for Christmas and his constant commentary was the best! Cody, Jared, Emma and I went on an adventure. We went to Walmart and then to buy Jared eggnog who has been asking me to take him for weeks. We blasted the Pentatonix Christmas album and I would like to announce that our band's album will be out next year. All the RA's got invited to our boss's little girls birthday. She is pretty much the cutest girl ever and is obsessed with dancing. Needless to say, her two year old birthday party was a hit! That night I worked on finishing up a group project and was walking home around 10:30 at night. It was so foggy and I felt like I could have gotten murdered. But no worry! The crazy gun man that was on the loose over the weekend was found and killed himself earlier in the day so all was well.

Tuesday I didn't have a final. I woke up and it was so foggy again. All I could see out the window was white. Kadee and I got back from campus and on Emma's side of the floor the ceiling was starting to come down. We put a work order in, but not before our Lofts GroupMe exploded with funny gifs of boys crawling and animals sneaking around, both ideas we had for why the ceiling was falling. All of us were going crazy Tuesday night! I realized just how much I had to do and I couldn't handle all the girls needing things and I just needed a break! So John John and I went for a walk at 10:30 at night. It wasn't that cold. We have been having the nicest weather here!

Wednesday I studied in the art hallway for a while and got a few things done. I sat and talked to Kadee for a bit and was helping her out and then went to the library to look over a few last minute things for a final with Emma. I had my first final which was Art history. Man I love that class and am sad it's over. I think the final went really well! After I got done with that I went and sat in the art hallway again this time with John John who needed me to make sure he got his take home final done. Let's just say, everyones motivation was gone! I went to my Literature and Film final that night. We were in three groups and each group had to make a film so we watched those. His wife also made us these delicious chocolate brownies with peppermint and root-beer floats. After I got back from that I got some things done in my hall and ran my monologue a few times.

Thursday I woke up and got ready. I had my Acting 1 final. I performed a monologue from the play Chapter Two. I did really well!! I was happy! I ate lunch and then went and ran for my jogging final. I cannot feel my legs now. I took a shower and delivered the Christmas presents to my girls and then I went down to campus. I was in the dinning hall for a bit and then went to the library to attempt to memorize my spanish presentation for the final on Friday. It was so nice outside so Kadee and I went and sat out side of Jonzzeys.
This was the elevator at 12:30 at night. We don't know how some girls broke it, but they managed to get it working again!
Friday it was so nice outside!! It was 70 degrees! I checked girls out of their rooms all morning and panicked till 3pm when my spanish final was. I don't think it was the best... But it's done!
Saturday I went with John John to take someone to the airport at 7 in the morning. Then we hung out in Roanoke till about 1pm and drove home. We ate breakfast at this way southern pancake house and it was awesome! Then we went Christmas shopping. 
Here is the strangest double feature ever sold... 

I got back and Kadee brought me food which was the best! We helped Emma finish cleaning and packing her room. It was 75 degrees again so I announced that we are all going on a walk. We ended up at Robey and made John John drive us to Cook Out for dinner. We had such a good time! Kadee and I then drove Emma to the airport and that was a whole adventure but everything finally got figured out :) I love Emma and I am going to miss her a lot!! 

Sum of our friendship in the picture below. 
Emma: "I am so funny!"
Me: "Who are you?" 
Kadee: "Haha. I'm just going to go a long with it." 

This semester has been crazy! Lots of laughing and tears. Friendships gained and strengthened and many lessons learned. I love SVU. I love being an RA. I love my friends. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Last Week of Classes! Nov 30-Dec 6

This semester has felt long but also I am sitting here thinking, "How is it Christmas again?"

Monday was a Monday. We had group FHE which was our ward Christmas party! We made ornaments and decorated a tree for bishop! It was a lot of fun. 

Tuesday I went to the composition recital that night which was fun! They out up a big Christmas tree in the ballroom and I love it :) Emma was in my room till like 1:30 in the morning. I love her and she is leaving on a mission next semester so it will be hard to not have her here!

All of the sudden it was Wednesday! This week flew by.  I think a lot of us feel like this though...

Thursday was crazy! One of my girls had surgery so John John and I went to Walmart to pick up some other things and flowers and a card.We had a crazy dinner because we were crazy and then we had a big group RA meeting which was super sassy. Haha I love it. 

Friday was the last day of classes! Yay!!!! It was a great day. We had our Christmas choir and orchestra concert. It was a lot of fun with a lot of funny moments. 

Saturday my friend Nate wanted me to come talk to him. He was working in this donut truck so I brought him lunch (Subway). I just chilled for the rest of the day. I packed, cleaned, watched a Christmas movie, and worked on my Spanish final. Later that night I went on a fun adventure exploring around, drinking hot chocolate, and searching for Christmas lights :)

This was us all in Emma bed having a "going crazy" party. We were crazy! 

Sunday was good! I love feeling the spirit and partaking of the Sacrament. In Lexington there was this program that the choir was apart of. They set up a whole bunch of antivirus from around the world and then we sang some songs. It was really beautiful!