Sunday, February 22, 2015

SNOW! Feb 16-22

Monday I woke up and everything was going as normal. Then 10AM hit and snow started to fall from the sky. It then started to shoot from the sky in a blizzard that lasted ALL DAY! It didn't stop! I went to the library at like 1:30 and was trying to do microeconomics for three hours and it was still snowing! Then after dinner at like 6:45 it was still snowing! No cars could drive so as we were walking back up the hill after dinner,  I made a joke that I was going to slip because i'm soo clumsy! I made it all the way to the Lofts parking lot and then totally fell! We didn't have school the next day because it was suppose to be our semester temple trip but they canceled the trip because the roads weren't safe, but we still didn't have classes.  So we came to my room and watched The Croods and College Road Trip!

Tuesday it was nice to sleep in a little bit. It was still a service day so some people wen't and shoveled around BV. Somehow.. I didn't make it down there. I was too warm in my room! But it was perfectly sunny with the snow shinning beautifully as we walked down to lunch. We ate and then I left the Dinning Hall and was attacked by snowballs! Then I was tackled to the ground! There were a ton of us playing in the snow for almost two hours. At one point there was almost like 30 something of us. We were still all standing outside the Dinning Hall, so anytime any person came out we all attacked them with snow. It didn't mattered if it was a student or teacher. They got hit with snow! They usually joined in which was pretty funny! I did get tackled like five more times! I walked back up the hill (almost slipping again), and then got talking to Anna. She had kind of a rough week and had lost her phone. She thought it might have fallen out in the snow the day before. I offered to go on a walk on the path she thought she lost it. We ended up just needing a good vent. So I decided why don't we use the snow to help with that. We would make a snowball, name is a problem/struggle and then chuck it at a tree! It was very relaxing! I came and warmed up in my room and then changed to go back to dinner.

 This was Fred the snow turtle!

Wednesday it was freezing. Just assume everyday is freezing! The high has only been about 15 with the low at -15! One of my favorite spots on campus is the hallway that connects the Ballroom with Chandler Hall. There are heaters in there that you can just sit by. Lauren and I basically took over the whole hallway. I was sitting right in front of the heater and we had all of our stuff sprawled around! It was quite funny. We were just enjoying our time when it started to snow! Again! For about an hour we had a solid blizzard! I worked my double shift, and when we left at about 10:50PM it was so cold outside that the bush had icicles! I have never seen that before!

Thursday it was 3 degrees when I left to go to class! My day went well. The bookstore was having a 25% off sale. Whenever I go to a college campus I always wonder "why does everyone always wear their school gear?" Now that i'm in college I understand! It is the softest greatest stuff ever! I was debating between two thing and ended up getting both! One was the jacket pictured below. It makes me want to go running... maybe it will keep inspiring me till I actually go running! Savannah and I both went in to buy stuff. We walked out and squealed because we were so excited with what we bought. We turned around and the missionaries were just staring at us. I said, "We are just really excited about what we bought". And Elder Numbers said, "We can tell!". It was really funny! We both were going to go to the library for a minute and we were walking over there on a path that was not shoveled and it was all ice. I said, "Why are we walking this...." I had slipped! Again! It hurt so bad! I was already really sore from the first time I fell and was playing in the snow and this just made it worse! What's funny is that I got someone to rub my back because it was hurting so bad like thirty minutes before, and then I went and fell again! I worked the late shift and it was like negative degrees and my car was still stuck with ice and snow, so I made John-John give us a ride after he was done at Mansfield Park because his car can actually drive in snow.

 One of these things is not like the other...
 I look like an athlete!

Friday Ewa and I were just wasting time, which we are really good at! We were having a little to much fun posing on the Mansfield Park set. I then sat in the hallway again for three hours. I think the heating turned off though because I progressively got colder and colder! I came back home and sat and talked to Anna for a while. We headed to dinner and I didn't have any other plans for the evening and so I decided I would go see Mansfield Park for a third time... ITS JUST SOO GOOD! So off I went and they had a few more tickets available luckily. So I sat down in my seat and just cried. Its such a relatable and sad yet amazing story! After I had a headache and so I went home and just sat and watched Netflix!

Saturday, I had plans to take a few people to Walmart but, we woke up to SNOW! I guess it had been falling since 7AM. And guess what? It didn't stop until about 8PM! We got over a foot! You add that to the 7 inches from Monday and we are in a winter wonderland! I guess a pipe exploded in front of the SAC and all the boys were woken up at 5AM to go move their cars. Oh the adventures! We walked down to lunch in the snow and I stayed there for about two hours again. And then I went to the Library and Girls and Guys Basketball games. It was their last games of the season and girls won but guys lost :(. One thing that the people I was sitting with do is they pull up the roster of the other team so they know their names. So they sit and yell funny things at them to try and distract them. I went to dinner and Ewa and I sat there with Savannah for a while. We headed back up to the Lofts and at this point the snow was coming down in big flakes, so we played in it for a while. We then went over to our HRA's room for hot chocolate floats! They were so yummy! We ended up sitting in their room for two hours! They are super great! We came to my room and stayed up till 1:30 watching Chocolate. Its such a great movie!

Sunday was crazy. I woke up to plan the rest of my lesson, and then got told that we were just doing Sacrament Meeting. Then I was walking down to lunch and was told that we were having all three hours. Well two of the 9AM wards got canceled so a lot of them came to our ward. I taught my first lesson with so many people in there from other wards! I made a lot of my friends come in though because I knew that they would answer all of my questions, which they did! I think it went pretty well because I got a whole bunch of compliments... I bet they were just being nice :). After church we had a mingle. They put out apples and pretzels with Nutella and peanut butter! It was very yummy! I got talking with Nicole who decided we needed to go finish building our friend Brigham's snowman which he had started earlier. So we went and changed and then built a snowman! We named it Tarzan and he was super cute! Dinner was really funny and then I came back and talked to my family! Ewa, Savannah and I all went down to Hymns on a Hill and then we came back and ended up sitting in the Lobby eating candy. Then Lanie joined us and then Maddie and we played guess the hymn, guess the scripture, pass the key card, and the fruit game! Oh the laughs!

 Tarzan needed a friend.

 We left this little guy on someone's car ;)

Friday, February 20, 2015

Dumbledore and Theatre. Feb 9-15

Monday for FHE we played Dieter or Dumbledore. They read quotes that sounded like it could have been said by both of them, and we had to guess. My family lost, but it was a really fun and funny game. After FHE Ewa and I FaceTimed Alley and then I ran to Walmart to get somethings with John-John.

Tuesday I had my work meeting and worked the first shift. After, I came up to my room and called Alley. Then Savannah came into my room and talked to me till like 1AM!

Wednesday, my double shift actually went really well! I talked to a lot of people... or I felt like I did, which is good! I came back and called Alley and we talked for a while and then I called my Mom. I was so exhausted because I hadn't gone to bed in till 1:30 the other two days, so going to bed at 12:30 was awesome!

Thursday I had a test in Theatre History and I feel pretty good about it! I worked the last shift and that also went well. I had a really good contact rate this week, which was super nice after two very slow weeks!

Friday we had an awesome forum given by our Marriage and Family professor, Dr. Rodriguez. It was super funny and really interesting! I took some people to Walmart and I got two pairs of shoes for $10 total! It was awesome! I did end up going to the first performance of Mansfield Park. Our theatre teacher wrote the script and the music and it was AMAZING! I was so impressed with the cast and I loved how I am friends with so many of them! I was blown away by the music and am still singing it in my head! After the show I FaceTimed Maddie which was very fun!
Here is the ice on the fence, because the pipe exploded on the water tower!

Alex, Lauren, and I with our new shoes!

Saturday, I finally got to sleep in! It was super nice! I took a shower and then headed down to lunch. I spent about two hours in there just talking (as I normally do!). Later I went to the basketball game. We won by 25! It was awesome! I ate dinner and then we came back up to the lofts to get ready to go to Mansfield park... yes, I went again. It all the sudden turned into a blizzard! So I drove us down and then we enjoyed the show! One of the coolest things about theatre for me, is how different each performance is. This night was sooo different from opening! They were like two completely different shows! I loved both of them a lot! And I will probably go again closing night..... After the show I went and played pool for an hour. I was losing miserably the first game but I made a huge come back and won! Second game I did lose miserably and third game I won from default :)

Sunday it was soo cold! I went to lunch and then had to go early to church because it was ward conference and I was singing in the choir. Ward conference was great! I love all of our stake leaders! I went to dinner and ate with people that I know but didn't know very well. It was really fun! Jared was telling us how Katie always made him fell awkward. She joked and said we could do it right now! So we all had to go around the table and say what we loved about him. We then in turn did this for everyone! It was actually really fun to see the little impact you could have on someone, even if you have only talked a few times! It was great! I then FaceTimed family and got tucked into bed where it was warm, and not 5 degrees like outside!

Monday, February 9, 2015

How is it already February?

I had a great fast Sunday full of talking to family and hanging out.

One of my classes called Becoming a Leader Servant, requires that every Monday we get to read a conference talk for homework. It is the best! For this Monday I got to read the talk entitled "Come What May and Love it". Its one I have read a lot and I find new things in it every time! Its a really great talk. For FHE on Monday we had a fashion show. We split into groups of about 4-5 people and were given a theme. We then had 15 minutes to run home and dress a boy and girl model for the runway. My group was given the theme of country. So we sent our boy model to find things and we ran up to the lofts to dress Anna. It was really fun and some groups got really creative! Malia (who is the head of everything) pointed out that we all felt very comfortable. That made me happy!

On Tuesday I had my Review meeting and then a work meeting. But between those Ewa and I sat and talked to people from the Review staff for a while and then some people working the dinning hall. After the work meeting I worked the first shift and then came back to get some homework done.

On Wednesday, I worked double shift. The first shift was pretty slow but the second shift was super fun because it turned into call center choir! We have music playing in the background to keep us entertained and in between calls we all just started to sing! It was super funny. We are also allowed to be on the school website and our school has a blog called the Scoop. I took up reading that between calls and I have now read every post and the first one was in early 2011. I now don't know what to do to keep myself entertained!

Thursday was a pretty full day. I went to lunch and then had to go talk to the financial office, then I decided to go to the library to take my online test for microeconomics. I ended up spending a couple hours in there when Genny appeared! We sat and talked for about an hour and then headed to dinner. Genny left to go work the first shift and as Savannah, Anna, and I were about to head up to the Lofts, John John came and offered us a ride up which was super nice because it was very cold outside! We all sat and talked for a while and then I came in to finish some homework. I worked the last shift and then when Ewa and I got done we decided to go say hi to John John again, who told me he was working the game room shift. We said hi and hung out and then came back home.

Friday was a much needed day! We had an amazing Forum from a man who graduated here a few years back. He related different business tricks to SVU and how amazing our school is! I felt so happy and proud that I go here! My friend Lauren and I also noticed that we were totally inverse matching. It was so cute! And then we realized that so many of us were wearing stripes! After forum we had lunch and then we sat in the dinning hall talking to people for a while. Ewa and I then headed up here because we had a study group at 1:30. Then I had to go meet with a teacher at 2, and then I met Lauren who dragged me to this extra credit lecture where I may or may not have dozed off..... It was interesting though! We came back up here and Lauren and our friend Sam all sat and talked for a while. We then changed and headed down to dinner. After that we all hung out and then at 9 they were playing Big Hero 6 (which I still hadn't seen!). I headed down with Anna and we met Savannah as well. I loved the movie! I thought it was super great! The next day our school was holding an express EFY, so we stayed after and put up 500 chairs! I love how a lot of us stayed to help. It was great. We came back with full intention to probably go to sleep, but instead stayed up and talked and played bannanagrams!

 This was us laughing at something and then Genny taking a candid shot! I love it!

Saturday I woke up and started my wash and reading something for my internship. (They are sending me drafts of books they are publishing this semester and I am proof reading them). At 11:30 we met in Anna's room to do a secret service project. All of us wrote happy compliments and statements on sticky notes. We then secretly hung them up on every single door for every single person in the lofts. I hope it spread a little cheer! We then headed down to lunch. Alex lost her choir folder so after we took a detour to Chandler hall to see if we could find it. We ran into this nice girl named Karla and John John who were both "counselors" for the EFY express starting in like 30 minutes. We talked to them for a minute and Alex went to look for her folder but then couldn't find it. We all came back to the lofts for a bit and then went back down for the mens basketball game. It was a little crazy because we were in the arena and right next to us were 500 EFY kids! It was nuts! Our campus doubled in size! It was a close game but we did win which was awesome! We went to dinner and then later that night we came to my room to watch one of my favorite movies, We Bought a Zoo.

 Here is Ewa after dinner posing with all the EFY kids sitting eating dinner! We had never seen so many people ;)

Sunday was a crazy spiritual day! I woke up and got a text from the first counselor in the Bishopric. He said he wanted to meet with me. So I got ready, ate a quick lunch and then headed to the church. I am now a Gospel Doctrine teacher! I was a little shocked but I actually really wanted a teaching calling! Im super nervous but very excited! We had a great testimony meeting about missionary work, a great Gospel Doctrine class on apostles, and a wonderful Relief Society lesson on agency and the action of faith. I had a quick teacher training meeting after church, then got set apart, and then went to a choir practice for ward conference next week. It was almost 70 degrees which was a nice change from the freezing cold, so we slowly meandered back up here, dropped off our scriptures, and then headed to dinner. After dinner, Alex, Genny and I just sat on the stairs talking and enjoying the sun. I finished up some homework and then we went to Hymns on a Hill. This is something that goes on every Sunday but I haven't gone yet! We all just join outside main hall and sing hymns. It was awesome! Then we came back and watched 17 miracles while sipping apple cider out of Genny's tea set! It was a pretty great day!